Virtual Big Brother


  • Power of Veto players. The number of players for the power of veto competitions changed from 6 to 5.
  • Nomination challenge. Instead of the usual Head of Household cycle, the final five players competed in two nomination challenges. All of the players competed in the first challenge, including the outgoing HoH. The winner of the first nomination challenge nominated one player for eviction. The remaining four players competed in the next challenge and the winner of that challenge would nominated one other person for eviction. And there would be no power of eviction competition.
  • Secrets. Each player entered the game with a secret that none of the other players would know, however unlike previous seasons, all of the men's secrets were revealed to the women with the twist that if they women can successfully connect the secrets to the correct owner without exhausting their lives, they would be safe from nomination. If they incorrectly assigned a secret to a male player, they would lose one life. If they lost all of their lives they would become the only players eligible for nomination. This was also done with the men, but in reverse, days later. The secret twist ended after the first week of the game.
    Player Secret Revealed by
    Aaron I used to have a pet rat No one
    Brittany I drink pickle juice Josh
    Carey M I talked with Donald Trump Destin
    Carey O I see dead people No one
    Chris I met Bruno Mars Taheerah
    Deborah I connected with Clayton Echard before he was The Bachelor Reco
    Destin I found a dead body in a Chick-Fil-A parking lot No one
    Destiny I absorbed my twin in utero Chris
    Dianela I can speak seven different languages Nick
    Josh I was adopted as a child No one
    Miranda I survived a major rear-end collision Reco
    Neil I have an IQ of 137 Dianela
    Nick I teach anxiety-reducing breathing to college students Carey M
    Reco I have competed internationally in swimming competitions Brittany
    Taheerah I survived a poisonous snake bite Tyler
    Tyler I had a near-death experience No one
(order of eviction starts from the bottom right to left)