Virtual Big Brother

Virtual Big Brother 7: All-Stars The all-star season lived up to its name where old alliances were tested, or even broken and new alliances emerged. Game play for everyone adapted and morphed because each all-star realized that to play exactly the same game as before would get them evicted quicker than expected. Two former winners were added to the game, Dayle (season 4) and Lindsey (season 6), including their strongest allies from their respective seasons, George and Daniel, add to that Jenny who was runner-up to Dayle who is also Daniel's wife who was also the closest ally to George next to Dayle also added to the game so the combination of game plays during the respective seasons were colluding and colliding for the first time. Matt who played a very non-threatening yet strong social game in season 2, was joined by Paul who played a very strong strategic and social game alongside his closest ally from that season, Suzan, also added to the All-Star lineup. Every player knew exactly what to do and what not to do, in a game governed by the unexpected, the only element they had no control over was who won power. Everyone was aware of most of the other all-stars game play during their respective seasons, which made the challenge even greater. Kevin and Nick were seen as the immediate duo to target since they had both played together twice before. Sarah, runner up from season one was almost the odd man out among so many players more familiar with each other’s game play. The season started with a unique HoH that was won by Matt. Matt was presented with a Pandora's Box which he decided not to open. Jose entered the game with one objective: To ensure this season's winner was a male, and decided to include every male all-star in the game into an all-male's alliance. This bold move culminated in his eviction being the first from the All-Star game. George, Holden, Jenny, Dayle, Daniel and Lindsey all formed their own very formidable alliance early in the game to control nominations and evictions. Kevin and Nick were very aware of how shrewdly Daniel had played during his season, how craftily and subtly George had played during his season, and having Jenny and Dayle, who sat next to each other in their season’s finale saw how much of a hurdle they were up against with these players all present in the game together. They set their sights on eliminating the married couple first, a move that was predicated by a very clever and confusing move by Paul when Lindsey was HoH, he fed her enough information to make her completely mistrust Matt, who she had fledgling relationship with and would use him (Matt) as a replacement nominee for eviction to no avail. Jenny was HoH next and decided to nominate Kevin and Nick however Paul's activities troubled her alliance more than Kevin and Nick and against her better judgement, nominated Paul as a replacement Paul and he was evicted. Kevin then became the new HoH and nominated Daniel and Dayle in a successful play to backdoor Jenny. Daniel's eviction followed, followed by Dayle's, leaving George, Lindsey and Holden the remaining members of their alliance, this is when the rest of the house sought to target the formerly strongest alliance members. George realizing he could not play the game the same decided to get his hands dirty, winning competitions and nominating players he had previously promised safety. Randi aligned with Lindsey and at this point in the game began to win competitions propelling hers and Lindsey's game further with the sole goal of eliminating George. Alas, the final four players were George, Holden, Nick and Randi. Randi and Nick were evicted to jury leaving for the first time in the history of the game an all-male finale. Interestingly, the final vote for George came from his biggest critic in the game, making him the winner of the All-Star season and the first male winner ever of Virtual Big Brother. Holden was runner-up.

  • All-Stars. Returning players from seasons 1 through 6, not including season 5 (second chances) that had come in the top 5 of their respective season and or had a unique game experience.
  • Pandora's Box. Pandora's Box appeared three times during this season, offering the HoH an opportunity of changing to their game for the better (or worse) and that of the houseguests.

    The first box was offereed to the first HoH, Matt, it would have offered everyone (except the person that opened the box) a chance at a round trip ticket, possibly giving one player a second chance at winning all-stars. Matt chose not to open it.

    The second box appeared to an HoH later in the game, giving that HoH an advantage during the next POV competition and unleashed three punishments on the house. The punishments were every houseguest had to replace their profile picture with a caricature version of themselves for 12 hours, make a 30-second sock puppet video and talk in 3rd person for 12 hours. Any all-star caught not talking in the third person would receive one penalty vote.
(order of eviction starts at the bottom right to left)